Sep 15, 2011

My hair is done for formal! 
It's too curly I reckon. But! Hopefully! It will smooth out at night and make it more wavy and natural :)
I'm off to do my makeup now. So excited!
Alice & Becky are here too, they are all done.

ok bye.

Sep 12, 2011

SBS Star Audition

So I just submitted my application for SBS Star Audition.
I WANT IT SOOOOO BAD. like this is it. It's the best opportunity anyone could ever get.
What if I don't get excepted again coz of my weight? I'm actually a very appealing person u know

I know I'm so attractive.
But! seriously JYP or anyone from the casting director if you are reading this you know I was just joking and I don't look like that at all! send me an email and I'll send you tons of pictures to proof this one wrong. lmao.

ok back to the audition. Ya like the one i went to last December, I have to say I did not prepare my best for it but the days I waited to have the results announce were just torturing. Even the flight back to Brisbane.
I was still dreaming.
So now, again I wanna be a singer. I just love performing that much.
People have told me before that I should keep it as a hobby coz if it becomes my job and stress comes in, I won't enjoy it anymore. Which makes sense..
But that's the challenging part right? Overcoming the obstacle.
I just love to sing and dance and perform.
I can do it all day and everyday. no, I WANT TO.

ok bye.

Sep 11, 2011

Going to film my dance now.
I'm so nervous...I hope I can still keep my stupid low A -.-
I should get a higher mark than that low A.
so I've been talking to tell u the truth, I've been waiting the whole night for him to talk to me.
Was telling ling about him and my dream which included black flying monkeys
but then he said he was gonna talk but instead went to play games instead -.-
but then he said he'll go on ebuddy which made me felt all giddy
then he sorta just went off to play your games again lol thought u left by now
and oh he just IM me again asking me why I'm not asleep. I replied, no answer must be gaming
ah boys.. so ya. love-why so complicated.

talking to ling too. she's the one that I can talk about personal deep deep stuff with. coz we can relate to each other. we might get angry or pissed at each other sometimes and it takes time to recover but ya it will be all good. I know most of her secrets and she knows most of mine. Except one, which only I will know forever..

ok bye.

Sep 10, 2011

talk to me. coz I think I enjoyed talking to you. Remember those times when the moment I logged on you'll just say hi I was bored. ya right you were bored. I mean for like 10 times seriously? aw u made me smile. and once I didn't till like late and u thought I was dead. Hahaha. It's nice chatting with you. so what happened? age difference. ran outta topic? c'mon u're better than that! And I dreamt about you last night. It was kinda weird....hmm.but it was nice :)

omg what am I talking about?! Calm yourself Kimberley. It's just a friend.

Sep 6, 2011

So. Maths. I wonder why I like you..
haha. It was not as bad as I thought it would be.
English tomorrow & thank you so much to my beloved aunt for helping me so much with english.
Seriously couldn't have done it without you.
I'm off to memorizing. byebye


I am very blessed to have friends who care about me & like me for who I am.
However I realize that I tend to change who I am sometimes just to fit in.

Thanks Cami :)

ok bye.

Who created exams?

Oh Maths. I dunno if I love you or not?
Study hard!

ok bye.

Sep 5, 2011


To make things worse, Monkey Studios stole our moves and the STTSS went to their leader too!!! I boiled up so hot, but yet, so speechless and in grief..And now, whenever i recall the occasion, i'll either punch the wall, gasp for air or shut my eyes really tight..haiz...

不过, 拿到亚军也不错啦... 只是有点不甘愿monkey们拿而已... 说实在的, 我们的表演真的失水准了... 如果是'we like girls'是冠军的话, 还爽一下..

kimberly 拿到了tt star
其实我觉得那个the monkey什么可以拿tt star的

The past should be the past. Why do I still spend my energy to dig up old & hateful comments?



Sep 3, 2011

New Blog Design

As obviously you can tell.
I spent quite some time redecorating my blog. Reckoned it was getting black and gothic and just urgh! -shivers-
I think it reflects a lot more about my personality, with my dreams of being a singer (because I heart performing on stage) and wanting to leave a good impression on people.
So my blog title remains the same. Remember Kimberley T.

What a good impression huh :)

ok bye.

Sep 1, 2011

Think Stupid

Ok I need to type this up real quick.

You yes you. Girl. You really think you are intelligent? Well guess what. YOU'RE NOT!!
OMG. I seriously can't stand you anymore. Maybe I should delete you from my facebook friends list so I don't have to see you being a pessimist and commenting on everything that is happy news to me. When I first met you, I thought you were alright. But this one incident left a bad impression on me. and again it was because of what came out of your mouth!

First of all, do you know that containers comes in different sizes? I bet you starve everyday and go home and pig out. It is very rude too considering the fact that I am older than you. Show some respect please. You study science too right? So I'm pretty sure you understand that you have to cut your meat into smaller pieces and chew many times before you swallow it? No you don't know? you will choke! What the heck have you been doing in science classes -.- What you think hen wei sui meh? you are at a growing age my dear -vomit- you should be taking in certain amount of calcium/protein whatever. Let's see who have stronger bones when we hit 55 shall we? I can't wait >: THINK BEFORE YOU TALK BA!!! strike 1

Another time, hello, you have a brain. F***ing use it! Ever thought that our class just was warm because the windows were never open and you were in a science lab?? omg how stupid can u get. THINK BEFORE YOU TALK BA!!! and I am 100% sure, I always feel colder than you. wanna compare? be my guest! strike 2

Finally today, you did it again! Not directly in my face but on facebook. where EVERYONE may have saw it and yes you embarrassed me. You can say that I am xiao qi but I didn't like it because who gave you the right to make that comment at me and furthermore THREE times? huh? 请你分清楚谁比较大。我们是华人,请尊敬你的长辈!It was a status update, you don't know me, don't simply make comments about people you don't know personally ok. You don't even know me all we do is ask each other where is everyone else during breaks because it is so awkward between you and me. strike 3 & my final tolerance with you

You are not my family member or someone I care about, why should I care about what you say then? Some may say that I'm over-reacting and being sensitive, well that's how I am I guess. Once I determine the character and personality of a person and I don't like you (not the whole kindy thing but the mature "not like you") you're dead, unless you proof me wrong. Which has happened before. I'm mature enough to determine a kind hearted or similar person, I don't like to mix with people who have a bad influence on me. That's it. that's why I don't talk much with people I don't know and I feel awkward. and that's why my circle of friends is so small.

Now I have to go to school tomorrow, pretending to smile at you as if I'm totally fine (sry I'm not Kang Ho Dong). There's still another 9 weeks of school. fml at this point

gosh it's not that hard.

ok bye.