Aug 4, 2010

I can't wait to see you again

Wow..I seriously don't know why I'm blogging again. I think it's because I've been going through my friends blogs and reminded me that I actually liked blogging but never really did it. Coz you know I'm a lazy girl.
So how are you? I know it's been five thousand years 8 months since I last uploaded. So I'm in semester 2 in school now. I really should do my homework or else I would need to bid my OP1 bye-bye. It's amazing, how last year in UEC I managed to score such wonderful marks although I never really did homework...hmmmm...anyways this post was meant to tell u this blog is up an running again but I guess not.

So just like every teenage girl, I have a crush! OMG! I can't believe I'm admitting it. Lol jks.
Jacqui know though, if I'm telling the truth :P right jacqui?....tsk tsk tsk. Anyways we get so high this few days just talking about boys. Luckily I get to call her for free or else I'm pretty sure I'll be deaf right now (note: sarcastic humour abt my mom screaming in my ear). Me, Jacqui, Linh & Tiffany call our boys David. Don't ask why. If you want to know just give Jacqui a call she'll tell ya. Her hp is 04-34762186 :]

Okay bye now I really need to sleep. Thank god I don't have core subjects tomorrow or should I be saying NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

 ok bye.

P.S. Is it weird to go crazy about boys?

P.P.S My previous P.S is a question that needs to be answered immediately!


  1. oooo who's this boy you're crushing on?! I wanna know! Tell me!

  2. haha..i'll tell you sometimes soon. Keep reading!

